The "U" in FUNdamentals represents building deeper UNDERSTANDING* in the learning process. We strive to target learners' higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) with questioning and reflection while using appropriate scaffolds to help students dig deeper. What are your ideas for using these free tools to target HOTS?
Research with an interactive concept map that learners can customize and share. |
A virtual wall where multiple users can simultaneously add ideas, documents, images, and YouTube links. Works in browser on all devices. |
Collaborative concept mapping tool that works in web browser. Popplet Lite is free iPad app. |
Science Journal
Transform phone, tablet, or Chromebook into a science notebook. Includes free experiments or create your own. |
Use this interactive platform for collaboration, quick assessments, and flipped learning. |
Brainstorm & collaborate on sticky note whiteboard in the browser on your laptop or tablet. |
Develop visual webmixes to organize and share online resources. |
Provide a brainstorming and voting platform to help groups make thoughtful decisions. |
* Each tool has the potential to crossover into a different FUNdamental category based on how it is used.
Key: Icon(s) beside each tool indicate(s) device(s) on which tool is functional.