This site has been developed to showcase free tools & apps that can support FUNdamentals of learning for educators and students.
FUNdamentals of Learning
Build FOUNDATION for learning: Engage students with authentic, high-interest, active, hands-on tasks. What do you do to "hook" learners?
Build UNDERSTANDING: Target higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) with questioning and reflection using appropriate scaffolds to help students dig deeper. How do you stimulate HOTS?
Build NETWORKING: Empower students as creators of content for a global audience. They can collaborate, produce, communicate to show what they know. How do you showcase students' work?
Listen to FUNdamentals Webinars hosted by eMINTS.
FUNdamental Webinars facilitated by
eMINTS staff: Brooke Higgins, Carla Chaffin, Debbie Perkins, Doug Caldwell, Jen Foster, Terri Brines |
Site contact: Debbie Perkins
eMINTS Instructional Specialist Project Coordinator Email: [email protected] |